Best celebrity feature. Most likely to make you cry. Best use of a TikTok dance. Most likely to make you say, “what the…”? Here’s the Super Bowl Commercials that captured our hearts.
We couldn’t have thought of a better duo ourselves. Rogen and Rudd’s hilarious adventures made us want to tear open a bag of Lay’s and watch Anchorman.
Here’s a snack that understands our pain points but knows we’ll always keep coming back for more. Goodbye cylinder of shame, hello mustached tube of honor – we shall wear you with pride.
As the most-viewed Super Bowl LVI commercial on YouTube on game day, the world was clearly picking up what Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost were putting down.
Who better to jolt the sales of BMW’s new electric car than Arnold Schwarzenegger and Selma Hayek as Zeus and Hera? Truthfully, baby Pegasus stole our hearts.
Fact: Guy Fieri is the Mayor of Flavor Town. Naturally, he took the throne to stylishly rule the mythical “Land of the Loud Flavors” in this imaginative seltzer ad.
Using a remix of Tik Tok’s infamous “Oh No!” sound effect and a few incredible celeb faces, Uber Eats highlighted the expansion of their non-food delivery offerings. A comical reminder not to munch on aluminum foil and kitty litter.
We don’t know how he got there, and we don’t know if he’ll ever make it out– but at least he smells great.
Toyota shared the heart-warming, inspirational journey of Candian brothers, Brian and Robin McKeever. After Brian lost his eyesight at age 19, Robin guided him, and they went on to compete in the Paralympic Winter Games. We’re crying, are you crying?
Coinbase’s bouncing, neon QR Code may have been the cleverest clickbait ad we’ve seen this Super Bowl. While it lacked profoundness, it certainly elicited a reaction! We commend the few that made it through without scanning.
Lindsay Lohan made her comeback by mocking her wild past and putting her best foot forward with Planet Fitness. Where do we sign up?
Our most favored heart medallion goes to… Amazon’s Alexa commercial!