A user profile on Clubhouse

Say What?! Everything Marketers Need to Know About Clubhouse

It’s been one year since the audio-focused app, Clubhouse, rolled out in the U.S. With a $1 billion valuation, 13 million downloads, and celebrity endorsers like Elon Musk, Clubhouse is starting to turn marketers’ heads. I’ve taken a personal deep dive into the world of Clubhouse and I’m back to tell you that this app has the potential to be something BIG! But what’s so special about this social network and why should brands be paying attention? I’m so glad you asked…

The Clubhouse Elevator Pitch

Clubhouse is an audio-focused social media app consisting of live, audio-only chat rooms. Clubhouse’s content is as varied as the users themselves with topics and rooms for just about everything. Similar to Pinterest’s rollout, to join, you must be invited by a current user.

Opportunities for Marketers on Clubhouse

Clubhouse is the epitome of content marketing. Brands have a new opportunity to engage live with potential fans in a more authentic way. Like podcasts and conferences, this is a new avenue for in-depth audience engagement. The caveat? Brands have to be willing to put in the work. It’s going to take time to learn the platform and optimize your brand’s presence.

While marketers have been slow to learn and leverage Clubhouse, there are some strong examples of brands already using the platform in interesting ways.

  • Martell Cognac has been partnering with influencers to make brand connections on Clubhouse. For Black History Month Martell Cognac partnered with content creator Karen Civil to highlight black female entrepreneurs. Throughout February, Martell Cognac and Civil hosted weekly Clubhouse conversations celebrating black women in business. This approach of partnering with creators has helped extend the brand’s reach and add an air of authenticity to its interactions on the app.
  • Pedigree pet brand turned Clubhouse into a Doghouse in its app promotions. Pedigree partnered with room moderators to introduce 20 adoptable dogs and allowed Clubhouse users to “interview” the potential pets. Each dog had their own Clubhouse profile where participants could learn more. In the chatroom Pedigree also discussed the value of pet companionship.
  • In an approach all its own, The Kool-Aid Man is now on Clubhouse too! Yes, the Kool-Aid Man. While the mascot has made appearances in Clubhouse rooms, he only adds the occasional “Oh Yeah!” to the discussion. It will be interesting to see what the Clubhouse community’s tolerance will be for more blatant brand promotions that don’t necessarily contribute to the conversations.

Ready to Join Clubhouse? Here’s How

Clubhouse is exclusive for the time being – meaning you’ll first need to track down a coveted invite. Reach out to friends and colleagues to see who has invites available. The app is also iPhone-exclusive at the moment – sorry Androids. Once you’ve joined, be sure to choose some topics and people of interest to follow. While this unique app interface can be a little tricky to get used to, there are daily chatrooms focused on how to use Clubhouse. Room speakers will talk through all the user features and special Clubhouse jargon so you can use the app to its fullest potential. Some of my personal favorite clubs include Tiny Habits, Tech Talks, and Womxn in Business.

Is Clubhouse Here to Stay?

Only time will tell if Clubhouse continues to gain momentum or if competitor knockoffs (looking at your, Twitter) could lead to its ultimate demise. One thing is clear though – there’s an appetite and audience for audio-focused content, and marketers should experiment with this vertical as part of their overall content marketing mix.


Have you gained access to the invite-only social platform? You can add me @meganfederico or reach out for an invite!