CR SmartMouth Blog

Intern to Insight: 10 Questions with Our CEO

As I reflect on my journey as an intern at ChappellRoberts, one word resonates deeply: transformational. Every day presented an opportunity to grow, learn, and be inspired by the remarkable individuals who are the foundation of this special place. Often as interns, we’re encouraged to learn from those who have walked the path before us. I had the chance to sit down with our CEO, Christine Turner, and not only receive valuable advice, but also get to know more about her as a human being. 

So here are 10 Questions with Our CEO:

1. How would you describe yourself in one word? 


2. Why are you so passionate about Feeding Tampa Bay as a charitable cause?

We have grown with them as they have grown their mission to stop food insecurity in our area. I have seen firsthand how access to food impacts our communities. Healthy communities trickle up in so many ways.

3. I know you’re an avid runner, what parallels do you see in the competitive nature of running that you also see in the competitiveness within the industry? How do you navigate? 

In both running and navigating the competitive aspect of the industry, my approach is not about competing with others, but rather continually striving to improve myself and my team.  

I put one foot in front of the other to be better than myself. I don’t focus on the competition; I focus on the agency being better than it was yesterday.  

If I focus on us and I focus on the health and wealth of the agency the world is our oyster and we will be successful.  

4. Who has the biggest influence on you? 

I have a million positive influences, but I think the people who have the biggest influence on me are the people who got it wrong. I very rapidly would try to be the opposite of what they were. Whether they were shady, didn’t show empathy, or had too much ego, I would try to be different. Their errors guided me toward my best self. 

5. Favorite city in the U.S. besides the one you live in? 

My favorite city in the U.S. besides the one I live in has to be LA. I just love the weather, fun culture, and the chill kind of vibe which I think matches my personality very well.   

6. What story do you tell the most often and why? 

One story I often share revolves around a moment in my career when I worked on a significant account. The story lies in our firm belief in our capabilities and our commitment to integrity. It was a period of uncertainty, but we trusted in ourselves and our values. We set a bar on how we would be partners with people and stayed true to ourselves. Staying true to yourself and not being afraid of making risky decisions in the face of challenges is the path to success. 

7. What is your one non-negotiable in business or life? 

Honesty. It is a part of any relationship, and what we do as a team and with out clients is a relationship. I don’t know how to be successful without trust and honesty.

8. What is one thing you wish you enjoyed more? 

Coffee. I have this perception that people take a sip or two of coffee and go from a 30% charge to 100% charge. I’m pretty energetic, but there are times I could use a boost like that!

9. What is your next big goal? 

I am running the Chicago Marathon in October. I want to run more ultra trail runs. An agency’s goal is to find the right talent we are looking for to build a great business.  

10. What excites you most about the future of ChappellRoberts? 

The creative opportunities and creative challenges to overcome and exceed. To see what people are going to build. Outcomes are cool. 


We wrapped up our interview with some rapid-fire questions:  

Invisibility or Super Strength? 

Super strength  

Early bird or night owl? 

Early bird 

Summer or Winter? 


Beach or Pool? 


Sweet or Salty? 


Reading or Writing? 


Vanilla or Chocolate? 



After speaking with Christine, it became evident that the essence of leadership lies not only in professional achievements but also in embracing one’s authenticity. She embodies a sense of self-trust inspiring others to do the same. I loved getting to know what keeps her going, her passions, and her aspirations to share some wisdom with people everywhere. This is why I wanted our interview to be quite unconventional and fun!  

Throughout my internship journey at ChappellRoberts, one thing became clear to me: to prioritize working in a place with a strong company culture. I know its cliche for companies to boast about fostering a certain environment, but for me, it is the certainty that such a culture truly exists.